Måns Zelmerlöw
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Barcelona Sessions <ALBUM>

Released 05.02.2014

Barcelona Sessions

Barcelona Sessions is Måns' fifth studio album and was released on February 5th, 2014. It includes the singles Broken Parts, Beautiful Life and Run For Your Life. For this album Måns lived in Barcelona for a long time and wrote the lyrics together with some songwriters in Barcelona.

Måns Zelmerlöw went on holiday to Barcelona, fell in love at first sight and decided to get a flat there. He then spent as many long days there as possible and, for the first time in a long time, Måns took the time to develop his own songwriting, especially his lyrics. The album Barcelona Sessions is evidence of a more mature Måns, a more confident artist who has taken the leap home.

On Måns' Facebook page, his message to his fans read:
Now it's getting really close. Throughout 2012 I took songwriters to Barcelona where we wrote a whole bunch of songs. We started from scratch, and now we've written 11 songs for the album that you and I want to hear from start to finish, over and over again. An album where the lyrics are actually about something that's important to me.
"Barcelona Sessions" will be released in May, but you'll be able to hear the first song at the end of February. I hope you like it as much as I do.

The first single from the album "Barcelona Sessions" was released on 25 February 2013 and is called "Broken Parts".


•   Run For Your Life     LyricsLyrics

•   Something About This Town     LyricsLyrics

•   Broken Parts     LyricsLyrics

•   Children Of The Sun     LyricsLyrics

•   Beautiful Life     LyricsLyrics

•   Burning Stars     LyricsLyrics

•   Waiting For The World To End     LyricsLyrics

•   Sleep On Roses     LyricsLyrics

•   Brave On The Outside     LyricsLyrics

•   This One´s For You     LyricsLyrics

•   Paralells     LyricsLyrics

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