Måns Zelmerlöw
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In the Swedish version of the musical Footloose, Måns played the role of Tommy in 2007 and 2008.

- It´s a challenge and will be a lot of fun. I´m going to play the arsehole. It will be a further education for me after "Grease". I get to learn how to act in real life and have already started practising in front of the mirror, says Måns Zelmerlöw, who plays the role of Tommy.

He also won "Let´s dance" in 2006 and he will be joined on stage by another artist with experience from both schlager and the dance competition - Anna Sahlin.

- I´ve never really applied for a musical, but in recent years I´ve felt that it would be fun to broaden my experience with dancing, acting and singing.

The third major role, Kevin Bacon´s classic Ren, is played by Peter Johansson, successful in London´s West End and currently starring in the production of "We Will Rock You".

Footloose - Måns Zelmerlöw
In the roles
Ren - Peter Johansson
Jennie - Anna Sahlin
Tommy - Måns Zelmerlöw
Samuel - Mats Nilsson, Fred Johanson
Vera - Nina Norblad
Sandra - Kristina Lindgren
Carro - Jessica Heribertsson
Mia-Marie - Malin Sjöquist
Micke - Robert Carlsson
Eva - Karolina Rahm
Lollo - Sanna Erkman
Willy/Roger - Petter Ahlfors

Source: Programme booklet, Expressen

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Open website linkStjärnorna i ny musikal

Open website linkSchlagervägen till musikalerna

Open website linkMycket hångel för elake Måns

Open YouTube linkFootloose @ Rosa Bandet Galan

Open YouTube linkFootloose medley- Peter Johansson, Måns Zelmerlöv, Anna Sahlin Live at Bingo Lotto (2007)

Open website linkMåns succémusikal äntrar huvudstaden

Open website linkDags för Måns att bestämma sig

Open website linkDags för Måns att bestämma sig

Open website linkZelmerlöw skadad i Footloose

Open YouTube linkMåns, Footloose!

Open YouTube linkFootloose

Open YouTube linkFootloose

Open website linkMåns Zelmerlöw: Min dröm har blivit verklighet!

Open website linkMåns: Jag är rädd att folk ska tröttna

Open YouTube linkFootloose Sweden 2007- The Making Of