Måns Zelmerlöw
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Gamle Dager (with Morgan Sulele) <SINGLE>

Released 10.04.2020

Gamle Dager (with Morgan Sulele)

Gamle Dager was released on April 10th, 2020. It's a collaboration between Måns and the Norwegian singer Morgan Sulele. The song contains Norwegian and Swedish text passages sung each by both Morgan and Måns.

Morgan Sulele has most recently been relevant in the Norwegian Så Mycket Bättre, or Hver gang vi møtes as it is called in Norway. Morgan and Måns quickly found each other, both on a friendly and musical level, and the result was the new single "Gamle dager" written by Morgan (Magnus Clausen) and Måns together with Jesper Borgen and Simon Strömstedt.

Morgan Sulele says he wanted to make a happy, but at the same time small sentimental song about a love from the past. "Gamle dager" is about being able to smile and laugh at old sorrows.

- You know the love that you thought was real, that went a little wrong, that you had to go through, and that you can now look back on and smile a little. I'm very happy with life as it is now, but I think many people can identify with missing the way things once were, says the 29-year-old from Bærum outside Oslo.

– Måns is a star! He is an incredibly talented vocalist and artist. When the idea of getting him on the song came to the table, there was no doubt on my part. Måns is also extremely studio trained, professional and in addition he is a really nice guy to hang out with. Very talented guy, adds Morgan.

Måns Zelmerlöw says that "Gamle dager" reminds him of the first love and all the difficult feelings it evoked, and also adds that he didn't sing much in his mother tongue before. – I haven't sung much in Swedish, but I immediately felt when I heard the song that this was something I wanted to do! The song makes me remember my young days, the first love and all the heavy feelings it brought, even though the rest of my life was completely carefree. It was also really fun meeting Morgan in the studio in London and we clicked straight away!.


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Open YouTube linkGamle Dager

Open website linkKastade albumet i soporna - nu gör Måns ett nytt försök

Open YouTube linkMorgan Sulele, Måns Zelmerlöw - Gamle Dager (Behind the scenes)