Måns Zelmerlöw
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In autumn 2017, Måns made his acting debut in Jordskott, a Swedish television series with crime and mystery elements. In the second season in episode 7, he played the character of Henrik Riksäter. The premiere broadcasting of the episode on SVT1 was on November 26th, 2017.

Måns Zelmerlöw makes his debut as a drama actor in Sunday´s episode of SVT´s award-winning drama series "Jordskott". His character Henrik Riksäter is a new father - but something is wrong with the newborn girl.

Måns Zelmerlöw told last month about his nervousness before the role.
- Even though I have quite a lot of stage experience, I was clearly a bit nervous. But there was such a warm atmosphere on the set, so when the head slate clapped, all the nervousness was gone, said Måns Zelmerlöw in an interview with SVT.

But Måns Zelmerlöw still feels that the acting profession has given him more taste.
– Really. There is something alluring in venturing into another universe, entering a role. Not having to be yourself all the time is actually quite nice. So I really got a taste for doing more.

Director Henrik Björn told that he did not pet Måns Zelmerlöw, despite his limited experience as an actor.
- This character does not play music, he is not a pop star, it has nothing to do with that - so I contacted Måns and he came to a test filming. And then we said that this must not be a shrimp sandwich, he must be able to stand on his own two feet. He did a really good test shoot and was more prepared than many others were, Henrik Björn said and continued:
- The scene he had was quite long because I wanted to test him, and he delivered. I think he himself appreciated that we hadn´t cast him in the "handsome-pop-star" role but something else. Then we showed test filming for SVT and so he got the role.

Source: Expressen

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Open Instagram linkSo honored to be playing a part in season 2 of #jordskott !

Open website linkÅh vad vi längtar efter Måns Zelmerlöw! Här kommer ett litet bildspel från inspelningen av Jordskott.

Open website linkDon´t miss @manszelmerlow´s acting debut this Sunday (Nov 26) on #Jordskott on @svt

Open website linkThis just in: Måns Zelmerlöw debuterar som skådespelare i Jordskott

Open website linkZelmerlöws nya roll - som pappa