Måns Zelmerlöw
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Melodifestivalen 2009

Melodifestivalen 2009

In 2009 Måns particpated at the Melodifestivalen for the second time and competed with the song Hope & Glory. He received the most points from the jury, and after the televoting he ended at fourth place.

In 2009 Måns returned to the Melodifestivalen, that year with the song "Hope & Glory". He started in the second semifinals in Skellefteå on February 14th, 2009 and achieved a direct call into the final.

The final took place on March 14th at the Stockholm Globen. In the jury evaluation, Måns ended up at first place with 96 points. After the points were awarded by the audience, he was in 4th place with 144 points.

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Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Hope & Glory (Final)

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Hope & Glory Melodifestivalen 2009 (Semi-Final 2)

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Hope & Glory Live Melodifestivalen 2009

Open website linkMåns: Jag är rädd att folk ska tröttna

Open YouTube linkMelodifestivalen 2009: BWO, Måns Zelmerlöw...........

Open YouTube linkMåns spänner schlagermusklerna

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Melodifestivalen 2009

Open YouTube linkMelodifestivalen 2009 - Semifinal 2

Open YouTube linkH.E.A.T och Måns Zelmerlöw går till finalen i Globen

Open YouTube linkHär badar Måns Zelmerlöw isvak

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw: Man ska hålla det man lovar

Open YouTube linkSå hanterar Måns Zelmerlöw pressen

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw galna champagnesprut

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw-Hope & glory (Melodifestivalen 2009) (IN HD!)

Open website linkMåns Zelmerlöw - mer än bara Idol-Måns

Open website linkMåns Zelmerlöw chattade inför finalen i Melodifestivalen

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw avslöjar segerlöftet

Open YouTube linkSweden is ready for Melodifestivalen (PART 2)

Open YouTube linkMelodifestivalen 2009 - Full Show (AI upscaled - HD - 50fps)

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw lovar revansch i melodifestivalen

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw nya desperata löfte

Open YouTube linkMelodifestivalen 2009 - Final