Måns Zelmerlöw
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Melodifestivalen 2024

Melodifestivalen 2024

The final of Melodifestivalen 2024 took place on 9 March in Stockholm. Björn Gustafsson tried in vain to impress the host Carina Berg in all of the shows, but in the final, he once again went all out. In the Mellanakt, he performs song number 13 together with the newly formed super boy band "Björnzone" and the song "Still The One". In addition to Björn, Måns Zelmerlöw, Eric Saade, Loa Falkman, Filip Berg, Adam Lundgren, Casper Jarnebrink, Victor Leksell, Boris René & Ulrik Munther are also part of the highly sought-after boy band.


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Open YouTube linkMELLANAKT: Björnzone - Still The One

Open website linkBjörnzone Merchandise

Open website linkFlirtiga bilderna och kaos med brandlarm – allt från final-efterfesten i Melodifestivalen

Open website linkKomikern Björn Gustafsson om bandet ”Björnzone”

Open website linkHemliga spelet bakom succén med Björnzone

Open website linkBjörnzone har seglat upp på Spotifys topplista: Varsågoda

Open website linkRIX MorronZoo 20 mars - Hur det egentligen är att jobba med Måns Zelmerlöw