
Solsidan is a popular Swedish comedy series by Felix Herngren about 4 friends struggling with the problems and challenges that life brings in terms of housing, jobs, parenthood and relationships in Saltsjöbade, a suburb near Stockholm. In the 8th episode of season 7, which aired on 5 December 2021, Måns and his wife Ciara could be seen in a guest role. Both play themselves. Anna, one of the main characters, is rumoured by the press to be having a romantic affair with Måns, and he asks her to make it clear that this is a mistake. How she manages to do this can be seen, among other things, in the episode...
- Both Ciara and I were very happy when we got the question. It is the biggest Swedish series that you can be a part of and it was incredibly powerful to be a part of it, but also interesting to see how much work is behind it. I also look up to Felix incredibly much, he is a fantastic director and creator. But of course it was also very nervous for me as a non-actor to try it, says Måns Zelmerlöw.
Source: Aftonbladet
Måns och Ciara Zelmerlöw gästar Solsidan
Solsidan - Season 7 episode 8
Chockbilderna! Måns Zelmerlöw och frun Ciara dyker oväntat upp – inför alla
Måns Zelmerlöw och frun Ciara gästar Solsidan