Måns Zelmerlöw
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Unicef Gala

The Unicef Gala is an annual Swedish TV show in aid of the United Nations Children's Fund. Måns had a few guest appearances here and he traveled to Bolivia in 2019, the documentary was shown at the gala.

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Open YouTube linkMÅNS ZELMERLÖW - Hold On (Unicef Galan - För varenda unge)

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Unicef gala 2019

Open YouTube linkGrow Up to be You - Måns Zelmerlöw - Unicef Gala 2019 (TV4)

Open YouTube linkCarola, Mariette och Måns Zelmerlöw - Where The Streets Have No Name

Open YouTube linkON MY WAY - Måns Zelmerlöw @ Världens Viktigaste Kväll 2020 - TV4