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Vintergalan 2018

Vintergalan 2018

The sparkling winter gala package took place for the third consecutive year over six evenings in November and December 2018. This year's stars were Lena Philipsson, Uno Svenningsson, Måns Zelmerlöw, Molly Hammar, Ebbot Lundberg and Anders Glenmark. The evening's presenter was Mark Levengood.

Tour plan Vintergalan 2018
November 23 – Kristianstad, Kristianstad Arena
November 30 – Malmo, Malmo Arena
December 1 – Malmo, Malmo Arena
December 6 – Gothenburg, Scandinavium
December 7 – Orebro, Conventum Arena
December 15 – Sandviken, Göransson Arena

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Open website linkVintergalan 2018 = Lena Philipsson, Uno Svenningsson, Måns Zelmerlöw, Molly Hammar, Ebbot Lundberg, Anders Glenmark och Mark Levengood!

Open website linkBildspecial från Vintergalan på Conventum i Örebro