Måns Zelmerlöw
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Work Of Art (Da Vinci) <EP>

Released 13.06.2007

Work Of Art (Da Vinci)

Work Of Art was released on June 13th, 2007 as the second single of the debut album Stand By For... The EP contains the following songs: 1) Work Of Art, 2) PJ Harmony Summer Nice Version, 3) Ali Payami Club Remix, 4) Ali Payami Vocal Remix, 5) PJ Harmony Summer Radio Edit


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Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Work of art [Live Sommarkrysset]

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw i Sommarkrysset1 (11.08.07)

Open Instagram linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Valens Köpcentrum #trelleborg 16.12.2007

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Work of art

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw Work Of Art i Stadsparken, Örebro

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw LIVE (Gröna Lund 2015)

Open YouTube linkMåns Zelmerlöw - Medley - Tivoliparken 06.06.2016, Höganäs